2024 NUCs

  • Price: $225.00
  • $0.00

Product Info.

1. Pickups are scheduled for the last week in April or the first week in May (weather permitting)

2. 4 – 5 frames of bees, a naturally mated queen, nurse bees, house bees and drones

3. Queens are unmarked, already laying very nicely and reigning over her workers and home

4. Bees arrive in the revolutionary Pro NUC boxes that are kept by our partons – see image

5. Upon receipt of your order, you will be notified of the pickup date, location and time

6. Quantities are limited, all orders are filled on a first-come, first-filled basis – so order yours Today!

Our Guarantee

At EastCoastHoneybees.com, we are committed to quality.

We guarantee that once our honeybees are retrieved from the bee yard, they are available for your pickup within 48 hours to ensure you get the healthiest honeybees available today. Healthy, robust, vibrant, and ready-to-work are hallmarks of the packages and NUCs we offer.

At pickup, we move you swiftly through a process that allows you to quickly hive your honey bees in their new home ASAP!

Our Guarantee

At EastCoastHoneybees.com, we are committed to quality.

We guarantee that once our honeybees are retrieved from the bee yard, they are available for your pickup within 48 hours to ensure you get the healthiest honeybees available today. Healthy, robust, vibrant, and ready-to-work are hallmarks of the packages and NUCs we offer.

At pickup, we move you swiftly through a process that allows you to quickly hive your honey bees in their new home ASAP!